Maps, Games, and Resources


From February 19th to March 26th of the year 1945 many brave men from the Japanese Imperial Army and United States Marine Corps lost their lives to protect and capture an 8 sq mi volcanic island named Iwo Jima.

8 Army Free for All (FFA) DOWNLOAD

That's right. 8 ARMIES! each country starts with 7 territories. Italy is added, and its capital is Libya. Australia is added, and of course, their capital is Australia. If you can't get 8 players, try taking multiple countries per person. Each player gets a 250 IPC bid.

This version's edits:
-Fixed issue where a java error pops up every time a neutral is captured
-Enhanced unzipping and folder structures to make it easier to download and place in the correct folder

I made setup easy this time:
-Place the ZIP file in the "maps" directory
-Open the ZIP (don't extract) and copy the eight_army_free_for_all.xml file to 
the "games" folder
-Enjoy. Let TripleA take care of everything else.

Please comment on this mod at:

Unit Compile 2 DOWNLOAD

I figured anyone making a map would like to have a big list of all the available unit images. This set I compiled contains the old and new TripleA unit sets, plus some user created ones by other people that still look really good.
-185 unit images
-13 colors
-11 extra units